Perspective & Style

A Zoom Masterclass – register interest below for the next time this class runs.

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Techniques to power your storytelling

Elevate your writing with this masterclass investigating the craft of perspective. We’ll discover how persona, point of view, tense and narrative distance can make your storytelling brighter and bolder, and sample a range of literary styles to help you develop a distinctive voice.

I offer a taster of some of the topics covered in this masterclass over on Substack: A Case of Style.

* Each masterclass will run on Zoom, with discussion on this month’s topics, plus a writing exercise and Q&A. 

* A week before the class, you’ll be emailed optional homework: brief preparatory readings as well as writing exercises.

* After each class, you’ll also be emailed a unit workbook with notes on craft as well as writing experiments, reading recommendations and further resources.

* Classes will be live. Recordings will not be available.

Andrew Wille is a veteran editor and writing teacher with a particular interest in mindful and holistic approaches to creativity.