Among the various resources on writing listed below, I particularly recommend:
* Constance Hale’s Sin And Syntax: an accessible guide to the foundations of writing – parts of speech, sentences, and making music in your work (read my review here)
* Ursula Le Guin’s Steering The Craft: covers the essential aspects of craft and technique with great clarity (read my review here) – a new edition was published in 2015
* Janice Burroway, Writing Fiction – a classic creative writing textbook now out in an affordable edition

On writing, creativity, and the writer’s life
* Lynda Barry, Syllabus, Picture This, What It Is (I cannot describe how brilliant I think these books are – but I shall try in a forthcoming review)
* Ray Bradbury, Zen In The Art Of Writing
* Po Bronson, The Writing Life
* Naropa University Art Therapy Concentration, Suggested Reading
* Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down The Bones: Freeing The Writer Within
* Kate Grenville, Searching For The Secret River (a memoir of the writing of her novel The Secret River)
* Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft
* Anne Lamott, ‘Shitty First Drafts’ (essential for many as it is so liberating – included in her book Bird By Bird)
* Poets & Writers Magazine – so many things on this page in particular: Top Topics For Writers
* Jeff Vandermeer, Booklife and Booklife blog
On studying writing
* Learning And Studying And Writing: A DIY MA In Creative Writing (a blog post of my own with some ideas for assembling your own programme of studies in creative writing)
On craft and technique
* Tell Me A Story (one of my own blog posts on storytelling: showing and telling and narrating)
* A Book Is Not A Film (another blog post: on story structure and the importance of working within the parameters of your chosen medium)
* Harry Bingham, How To Write and How to Write a Book (in 10 Steps)
* Roy Peter Clark, Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies For Every Writer (handy PDF of the 50 tips linked here)
* Jack Collom and Sheryl Noethe, Poetry Everywhere
* Emma Darwin, This Itch Of Writing (lots of good stuff, including really thoughtful essays on craft and technique, but also various matters on the writing life)
* Stephen Fry, The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking The Poet Within
* John Gardner, The Art Of Fiction
* Natalie Goldberg, Old Friend From Far Away: The Practice Of Writing Memoir
* Gotham Writers, Writer’s Toolbox
* Alice LaPlante, The Making Of A Story
* Ursula K. Le Guin, Steering The Craft: Exercises And Discussions On Story Writing
* Elmore Leonard’s Ten Tips on Writing
* Howard Mittelmark and Sandra Newman, How Not To Write A Novel: 200 Classic Mistakes And How To Avoid Them
* Steve Moran, Common Faults In Short Stories Submitted
* Michael Neff, ‘Why Do Passionate Writers Fail To Publish? Plus Hard Yet Reassuring Facts‘
* Francine Prose, Reading Like A Writer
* Scarlett Thomas, Monkeys With Typewriters
* Ronald Tobias, 20 Master Plots (download a sample here or find them usefully summarised here, but do get the book – lots of inspiring details in its bright and brisk analyses – and then further summaries of story types come here too, which are helpful even if I prefer the idea of actively plotting your own story to the idea of a plot that you can buy off the shelf)
* Jericho Writers, ’15 Common Mistakes Novelists Make’
On form and usage
* Constance Hale, Sin And Syntax: How To Craft Wickedly Effective Prose and
* Mantex writing skills, reviews, tutorials
* Richard Nordquist, Grammar and Composition at
* George Orwell, ‘Politics and the English Language’
* John Seely, Oxford A-Z Of Grammar And Punctuation
* University of Victoria, Parts of Speech
* Jericho Writers, Writing A Book Advice Centre
On revising and editorial feedback
* Working With Feedback On Your Writing
* When Does A Writer Need An Editor? (one of my own blog posts)
* Susan Bell, The Artful Edit: On The Practice Of Editing Yourself
* David Madden, Revising Fiction
* Belinda Pollard, practical tips on self-editing and reasons to print out your work (and other great stuff on writing, self-publishing and promoting your work elsewhere on this site, based in Australia)
* Google Translate
* Online Etymology Dictionary
* The Page-Turner books blog from the New Yorker
* The Book Cover Archive
* I Love Typography
* Open Culture (‘the best free cultural & educational material on the web – TONS of great stuff: books, movies, courses, language-learning …)
* J.K. Rowling, ‘The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination’, 2008 Harvard Commencement Address
* Words Without Borders new writing in translation
* Writers at Warwick Audio Archive