I’m excited to be running workshops with Kellie Jackson of Words Away again: one we ran before, and a new one.
On 21 April 2018, we’ll run Everyday Magic: The Four Elements of Creativity, which sold out when we ran it in November – here’s a link about that day, and here’s an interview I did with Kellie about its approach. It’s designed to help writers work intuitively by using the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. I love introducing these ideas – it’s such a straightforward concept, but one that can really help writing come to life.
On 23 June 2018, The Craft of Revising is a workshop devoted to self-editing for writers. Focusing on the ways in which we Create, Craft and Connect our writing, our approach will be intuitive and practical, challenging yet generous. We’ll start with an overview of how editors edit, talking briefly about developmental editing, structural editing, line editing, copyediting and proofreading. During the rest of the day, we’ll discuss matters of craft and intention, conduct some experiments on our own work, and in small groups share and edit samples of writing. You’ll leave with a revision plan that includes plenty of tools and inspirations for refining a work-in-progress, whether that’s a novel, a novella, or short stories; it should also be useful for writers of memoirs or other narrative forms too. We’ll conclude the day with a Q&A with Lennie Goodings, Chair of Virago Press and an award-winning editor who’s worked with many much-loved authors.
Follow the link below to booking pages and further information:
This is not fair! All these great workshops taught by you and I’m too far away to commute. And I so NEED these.
A vacation? A city retreat?!
Ooh – interested. I remember you doing the four elements at York, and it would be a good one to dig deeper.
Yes! This will dig deeper. I do always use one particular reading for this workshop, and you might have seen/heard it before (no spoilers!), but given that it’s a reading that keeps on giving I love to use it. But I’d hope there’ll be plenty of fresh activities during the day.
I’m really interested in this Andrew, as I’m so in need of creative stimulation to kickstart my return to fiction. I’d need to leave home at 5.45 to get the train, arriving 9.10 at King’s Cross. Is that enough time to get to the venue for 9.45 do you think? Would hate to walk in late!
We start properly at 10 – we made a 9.45 start to allow for settling in. It’s a 10-minute tube journey from King’s Cross to London Bridge station, and then probably less than 5 minutes’ walk to the Hive. Late arrivals are not turned away! I think you’d be fine. (An early start is keen – I trust you can snooze on the train, and assume King’s Cross would be the last stop anyway …) Should love to see you there.
I think you should do a workshop on using the tarot for character development and plot structure.
Ooo! That would be fun. Maybe I can suggest it as an exercise. Or maybe … I’m thinking up a whole bunch of ideas now (and you’ve seen some others, Patsy).
My friend Karen tells me she did an on-line chakra reading for a character in her novel.
Ooo, curious to know more.
I’m trying to remember someone who used the Enneagram for their characters. (Probably a mutual friend?!)