I’m launching a new series of workshops on Zoom called Tarot For Writers that explores the potential of the tarot in creative writing as well as writing for personal growth. Starting with Magicians and Fools on 2 February 2025, we will talk about tarot and write and share resources, and writers who come along will take away plenty of ideas to explore at their own pace.
I’ve long been interested in tarot. My hippie auntie Marion is an astrologer, and she often used tarot. My old flatmate Mark from my first years in London had tarot cards, and he inspired me to acquire my own, a Rider Waite Smith deck I still have today.
I delved into the cards, doing Celtic Cross readings and cribbing interpretations from The Complete Book of Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke. Later, as a freelance editor I copyedited books on tarot and numerology. When we lived in Boulder there were several new age shops I loved to visit, and I added a couple of other decks to what become a collection. I have over thirty today – see a few at the end of this post.
When we moved back to London I took classes on tarot at Treadwell’s bookshop in Covent Garden with the late Sue Merlyn Farebrother. Sue was a brilliant teacher: intuitive, good-humoured, organised, attentive to detail, and rich in her knowledge. I’d later help her in developing a proposal for her first book on astrology, and introduced her to an editor at Rider, who published this book and her next. I’m sorry she never got to publish her book on tarot – I know it would have been excellent. Her teaching certainly was.
Sue’s classes were the place where I grew a deeper understanding of the powers of tarot. We did all sorts of exercises in class and at home. We did visualisations, we discussed the archetypes of the Major Arcana, we explored the representations of the court cards and the symbolic powers of numbers and elements. We looked at the different images of various decks. We drew one card every day for a month, and I remember being surprised – and eventually not so surprised – that I drew the same card (out of seventy-eight) seven times in thirty days: the Ten of Pentacles.
Working with tarot in writing
Around that time I remember reading the manuscript of a very well-researched historical novel that felt pretty static. It read like a sequence of richly rendered tableaux, but not much more. And I realised: this book was all Earth. It lacked Fire and Water – energy and feeling. For that matter, it lacked Air too, in that it lacked the clarity of organisation and structure that could carry a story forward. Earth (tarot’s Pentacles), Fire (Wands), Water (cups), Air (Swords): suddenly the Four Elements of the suits of the Minor Arcana were giving me a framework for reading books and understanding the balance – or imbalance – of creative productions.
I continued to use this Four Elements framework, initially only in my own mind as I took stock of manuscripts I was reading, but later on developing writing workshops too.
This Four Elements practice has become a cornerstone for much of my work, even when I’m not using it explicitly. It integrates my interest in contemplative education and holistic approaches towards creativity with my firm editorial grounding in the craft of writing as well as the practical matters of publishing.
I always explain that traces of the Four Elements that we see in the four suits of tarot can be found in other contexts, such as astrology, Jungian psychology, Myers-Briggs tests, and cognitive behavioural therapy. Someone at a workshop identified the Four Elements in the characters of The Wind in the Willows: Water for Rat, Earth for Mole, Fire for Mr Toad, and Air for Badger.
But the Four Elements always leads me back to the tarot. Once upon a time, the idea of memorising very specific interpretations for all seventy-eight cards daunted me, but then I realised I wasn’t approaching it in the right way, at least in the right way for me. I needed to establish my own interpretations and reference points.
I occasionally take courses or trainings as refreshers, and as guides I also consult resources such as the ones listed below. That sort of bookish inquiry always takes me deeper and gives me fresh insights and plenty to think about.
And most of all I’ve learned about the cards by using them, not least in areas where I have expertise, such as writing and editing.
The Major cards have, perhaps, more accessible or obvious meanings, but there’s always more to find in those archetypes, particularly when we pay attention to their meanings and manifestations in different contexts and cultures. Jungian approaches add valuable perspectives.
Something that once gave me pause in the number cards of the Minor Arcana was the great variations in imagery between different decks; some number cards, such as those of the Marseille decks, have few pictures at all beyond images of the Batons (Wands) or the Cups themselves. How do we make sense of that? Increasingly, I have come to give greater weight to the numbers themselves and their correspondence with specific energies and actions, in conjunction with the relevant elements, e.g., the Aces with beginnings, or the eights with organisation and order.
I’m also interested in the ways in which the court cards represent people or aspects of our personalities: venturing forth into the world (the traditional Knights), or embodying maturity and self-assurance (the Queens). I’m also intrigued by the ways in which various decks shift the genders of the court cards, or translate them into other forms: Princess instead of Page in the DruidCraft tarot, or the Place, Knower, Gift and Speaker in Rachel Pollack’s Shining Tribe tarot.
And then there are decks with additional cards, such as the Shining Tribe’s Sphinx in Eden. And there are divination cards, such as the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit deck, whose gorgeous artwork by Kim Krans prompted me also to acquire her original Wild Unknown tarot deck.
All of these rich images and symbols and connections give us a powerful framework that is constantly refreshing itself. It offers food for the imagination, and it also allows reflection for personal growth and spiritual development. I often use tarot cards for daily reflection or as part of my regular meditation practice.
Approaches to tarot
My fundamental take on the seventy-eight cards is that they contain all that we are and all the questions that we have to ask – of ourselves, and in the context of writing of the stories we have to tell. When we encounter a tarot card we can ask: what does this mean for me right now? And in writing: what can this mean for my story? How is it present, or how might it be made present and brought forth in the work and in the world? What, importantly, what aspects of writing craft will help in this task?
That being said: I never fail to be amazed by the recurrence of certain cards and patterns. That’s just a fact. I recently did two three-card readings using two different decks, and two of the same cards appeared in both readings.
I am sometimes guarded around certain aspects of tarot, to the extent I was once scolded by someone attending a workshop for what they took as cautions or apologies for the use of esoterica. And she was right: no, we shouldn’t lean away from all those mysteries and wonders the tarot conjures up. We should not be defensive about using tarot, and I don’t want to give that impression.
I guess I have been put on the back foot a bit as I am aware that some people are fearful of tarot. A writer who was coming to a Four Elements workshop told me she couldn’t attend after I emailed in advance a handout using pictures of the four Aces from the Smith deck. Another friend won’t have tarot cards in the house. I discovered this only after my arrival, oops, but at least I kept them tucked away in my suitcase.
In both cases, I suspect religious traditions have created fear and superstitions about tarot, and I wonder if some subscribers will unsubscribe after this post. I doubt cards representing the Devil and Death and the Hanged Man help either, particularly as they have been used in popular culture: remember Tales of the Unexpected and Live and Let Die?
I only recently found out that tarot cards were only freely printed and sold in England after the repeal of the Witchcraft Act in 1951! Now I am asking myself whether under consumer legislation I need to declare that my new workshops are ‘for entertainment purposes only’. Does writing count as entertainment?!
But I have observed a few too many boundaries getting crossed at the fringes of those worlds where we find tarot. I remember taking a tarot course where, unasked, someone started to tell me about specific messages that my dead grandmother was channelling to me through an angel. Those messages had a couple of details that seemed unnervingly accurate until I recalled a conversation with another student in the tea break the week before, and realised those details had been overheard – and misinterpreted. It was the misinterpretation that was the clue.
And a tarot illustrator once slid into my DM’s on Instagram offering me a psychic reading based on the energy in my profile picture, saying that afterwards ‘something good will happen in your life’. Suddenly I remembered why I’d previously unfollowed their account and stopped using their deck, as they’d done this before.
I have to call bullshit on that sort of thing. I think it’s patently unethical to make such approaches without being invited. People often come to tarot with vulnerabilities, or grasping for specific outcomes, and we must be sensitive to all that that presents. Life has many mysteries, and I want to remain curious and open about them, but fraudulence and inauthenticity shut things down for ourselves as well as for others. We need a welcoming and respectful approach. As in writing, as in life.
New workshops on tarot for writers
Back to the writing. I think tarot is a remarkable tool for writers. Its form gives us an invitation to the imagination, an instrument for creative focus, and windows into our unconscious drives. I really love how tarot blends structure and symbol with artistic expression, and helps us compose divine messages all of our very own.
I first taught a workshop devoted to tarot and writing at the Hastings Book Festival in 2023, and now I’m happy to be launching Tarot for Writers on Zoom. The class are designed to be stand-alone and will run on Zoom at 5-6pm London on Sundays: let’s bring some light into the long dark teatime of the soul! Please note that recordings will not be available right now, as I want us all to take part free of inhibition about joining in.
The first four classes will survey the archetypes of the Major Arcana and investigate the elements, court cards, and number cards of the Minor Arcana for what they can bring to our writing.
- Magicians and Fools (2 February) – we’ll consider the Fool as a student and the Magician as a teacher to guide us through the archetypes and big themes of the Major Arcana
- Aces High (16 February) – we’ll take a closer look at the Four Elements through their purest and most powerful expression in the Aces, and particularly for the ways they strengthen voice, feeling, texture and focus in our writing
- Courtiers and Coronets (2 March) – we’ll use the court cards as the basis for thinking about character and perspective
- Write By Numbers (16 March) – we’ll identify specific actions and gestures in the number cards that can be used in plotting and structuring our stories, paying special attention to odd vs even numbers
In each workshop we’ll discuss specific cards within the structure of tarot, and we’ll do some in-class writing experiments, and you’ll take away ideas to try at your own pace. I’ll also share a handy reference on tarot for writers, and I’m hoping that writers who come along will also share their own interpretations, as tarot is rich with associations and there are always new perspectives to gather. Throughout the emphasis will be on finding inspiration and points of departure to explore in writing.
Over the weeks we’ll also look at various resources on tarot and investigate different styles of tarot decks and divination cards. Feel free to bring your own cards to class to share with us too.
And yes – the class titles indulge my fondness for puns and alliteration. There may be more.
I’m planning these classes as we pass through the rites and thresholds of late winter and early spring: Imbolc, St Brigid’s Day, Candlemas, Valentine’s, Lent, St David’s Day, the Spring Equinox. The crocuses and daffodils and the early tulips will be arriving as the sun gets higher in the sky and the days get longer: perhaps there’s no better time to stretch ourselves into new creative endeavours with such powerful inspirations.
During the classes I’ll also introduce various resources, including:
- Rachel Pollack, the classic Seventy-eight Degrees of Wisdom and also the magical inquiries of A Walk Through the Forest of Souls: A Tarot Journey to Spiritual Awakening
- Joan Bunning, Learning the Tarot – this is my go-to reference when I want to refresh my memory on card descriptions and keywords, and it’s based on an free online course that is most generously shared here: www.learntarot.com
- Jessica Doré, Tarot for Change – I love this book’s thoughtful takes, which often question the usual interpretations and find something new in the cards – you can also find her on Instagram
- Other social media accounts illuminate and inform. Try Laetitia Barber, Amanda Barokh, Biddy Tarot, Noah Rogers
- Margaret Atwood, Three Tarot Cards
- Tarot For Writers at my page on Bookshop.org
Nothing beats shuffling and cutting the cards, but it can be a good idea to carry tarot resources on your phone, if only as a reference.
- The Fool’s Dog has many apps, including ones for the Shining Tribe Tarot, whose vibrant colours look particularly good backlit, and the Wildwood Tarot and the DruidCraft Tarot, whose print decks I also own
- Tarot Pro
- Serennu offers digital shuffling and random selection from an entire deck for those who might prefer it
Maybe I’ll review some of these apps as well as decks and other resources in more detail in the future. If you have recommendations of your own, do suggest in a comment below.
A few favourite decks
My first deck was the classic Rider Waite deck. Now that I know more about its history I try to remember to call it the Smith deck, because illustrator Pamela Colman Smith’s colourful and whimsical illustrations are what captivated me then and what still captivate me now. It’s the one I always go back to.

My current fave is the Morgan-Greer deck, whose full-bleed colour-saturated hippie imagery is close to my heart. Artist Bill Greer studied at the University of Colorado, where I once taught, so it also has that Boulder connection. Does anyone know anything more about him?

I’ve not always favoured very culturally specific decks, but someone gave me a gift of the DruidCraft Tarot and I’ve been consistently impressed. Its guidebook always gives me something to think about.

I also love the artwork of the Wild Unknown tarot and the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit deck, which uses the Four Elements and also adds a number of Spirit cards.

The two most recent additions to my own collection are Rachel Pollack’s Shining Tribe tarot, recently back into print, and Chris Riddell’s Cloud Tower tarot.

The Tarot For Writers workshops begin with Magicians and Fools on 2 February – I hope to see some of you there.
(Posted on my blog as well as Substack. I’m trying both places out for now.)