I’ve now posted details for my writing masterclasses for Autumn 2024 – see links below:
16 September, 6pm-7.30pm London, Zoom
Perspective & Style
Techniques to power your storytelling
Elevate your writing with this masterclass investigating the craft of perspective. We’ll discover how persona, point of view, tense and narrative distance can make your storytelling brighter and bolder, and sample a range of literary styles to help you develop a distinctive voice.
14 October, 6pm-7.30pm London, Zoom
Showing & Telling
Weaving scene and narration into stories
Find the balance of dramatic scene and narrative summary that’s required for any story. We’ll grasp the fundamentals of creating memorable scenes through action, dialogue, description and subtext, and understand the pitfalls that are best avoided. Using examples, we’ll also analyse ways to forge a strong voice for narrating your stories and captivating your readers from start to finish.
11 November, 6pm-7.30pm London, Zoom
Genres & Readers
What’s your genre and who are your readers?
Explore the conventions of writing genres for the ways they help in shaping and pitching our stories. We’ll probe the intersection of taste and technique in various categories of writing, from page-turning commercial genres and upmarket fiction to literary works and experimental prose. We’ll also navigate feedback, survey the querying process with agents and editors, and discuss writers’ relationships with publishers and the book trade.
9 December 2024, 6pm-7.30pm London, Zoom
Resolutions, revising, and knowing when to stop
Identify ways to give a story a memorable conclusion. We’ll review the strengths of open, closed and ambiguous endings, and inspect plot twists, grand finales and other means of creating emotional impact for the resolutions of our stories. We’ll also survey some practical strategies in revising and drafting, and discuss how to know when your story is truly done.
The masterclasses carry on from those held earlier this year – Beginnings, Voice, Character, Setting & Situation, Story & Plot, and Form & Structure – but they are designed to be stand-alone, so that writers can drop in for a refresher on specific topics. You’ll also be sent reading suggestions and writing exercises to try in advance, and after the class you’ll receive a workbook packed with craft notes, recommended resources, and writing experiments to try at your own pace. You can click the links above to book your space.
I’m planning to repeat these classes next year, along with new offerings. There are a number of regulars from all over the world, both experienced and beginning writers, and the spirit of the classes is convivial, good-humoured and energetic.
I’m no longer blogging so actively here, but you can find me on Instagram and I am starting to use Substack – among other things, I’m going to start sharing some of my short stories there, and in due course I’ll post about the craft of writing and publishing too. You can also sign up for my mailing list here.
Have a good summer! (Or winter if you’re dialling in from the southern hemisphere.) After a wet spring the garden is finally blooming and livening up.

Thank you for continuing to update your site. Sometimes it’s lovely not to wade into substack, medium, etc, to read away from the boiling pot. That being said, I’ve enjoyed seeing your work on Substack and always enjoy the wealth of knowledge you share.
Thank you! This is so lucid a statement to make right now, just as I’m evaluating what I do where, and when. In fact: my next post here is on just this matter! Reading away from the boiling pot. I might have to quote you.